Sunday, May 6, 2007

Seeing in Curves

Yin and Yang

Superstition? Or intuitive topological ideas? Most people regard it simplistically as an idea of counterbalance, a philosophy of natural dualism, with perhaps no in-between state, or perhaps a whole spectrum of differentiation.

Connecting lines? Forget those! Curves which influence - those are useful. And curves which possess the power to influence other curves in other places- even more useful. That way energy gets sucked out of this and pumped into that.

In the sport of yin and yang, forces regain balance with yin-yang curves.

You may as well think of yin-yang curves as being alive. They willingly take on opposite personalities. They can be hard or soft, fast or slow, rough or smooth, etc.... They are basically organic. Organisms possess a super-abundance of yin-yang curves. In all organic aspects. In the shapes of internal organs. In bones, in all perspectives. In the forms of the muscles. In the trajectories of the extremities. In the footprints we leave behind us.

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